Scott Cook
Physiotherapy Director

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After graduating from the University of Queensland, Scott Cook hadn’t quite decided on which direction he would follow, so he worked in various hospitals and private practices throughout Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria, searching for that particular interest. Interestingly, in his final year of university during a clinical placement, Scott treated his dad which provided him with insight into the relief that physiotherapy could provide to migraine sufferers.
I have often shared my experience of treating headache and migraine patients as starting with my very 1st patient, my Dad. He is a chronic migraine sufferer, and whilst growing up, I would regularly witness him in severe pain, reaching for medication and retreating to a dark space for extended periods.
Dad visited me as a patient in my first clinical placement at the university clinic in my final year of study. I had invited him to receive some supervised treatment which was subsidised (and supervised) with the thought of maybe being able to help his neck pain a little. However, during the initial consultation, my father revealed to me the full extent of his symptoms, and the 2-3 times a month I would see him reaching for the medicine cabinet was just the tip of the iceberg.
I was astonished to find that despite my limited experience and knowledge at the time, over the course of 3-4 treatments, I was able to reduce his daily headaches to only 1-2 per week and reduced his migraines from 2-3 per month to only 1. I was further amazed by the fact that although I still had not ‘fixed’ him (the perfectionist in me shining through) his experience was of immense change that had given him newfound freedom from the severity of his condition.
It shone a light on just how much impact his condition had on our family experience – tip toeing around the man with the sore head and the lost opportunities for him to connect with his family. While I might not have full appreciated it at the time, this experience helped shape my future direction in physiotherapy, and appreciate the extent to which we can change peoples’ lives with chronic head, neck, and jaw pain for the better.
Wanting to further solidify his experience and physiotherapy direction, he embarked on the ultimate Aussie rite of passage, travelling and working in various hospitals throughout the UK. On his return to Australia, Scott saw an opportunity to expand his interest in headache, neck, and jaw conditions and in 2007, along with business partner Nigel Smith, Scott acquired Body Mechanics Physiotherapy (now The Headache, Neck & Jaw Clinic).
Scott extended this interest by developing his skills through training with Dr Mariano Rocobado, for TMJ conditions, and The Watson Headache® Institute in Sydney, for Headache and Neck conditions. Scott is a qualified Level 3 Watson Practitioner, one of the first clinicians in the world to be certified as a Level 3 Watson Practitioner. He has also completed a Mini Residency in Dental Sleep Medicine and TMD with Dr Steve Olmas and attended Coursework with Dr Jeffery Okenson on TMD and Orofacial Pain management. Both doctors are internationally recognised in the TMD field. He works closely with Maxillofacial Surgeons, Endodontists, Prosthodontists and Dentists to achieve positive outcomes for patients through targeted physiotherapy treatment.
Apart from his hands on work, Scott also Lectures at the University of Queensland Dental School, and Griffith University School of Physiotherapy. He is regularly invited as a guest speaker for Dental Study Groups, and Endodontic Groups, and in 2013, was a speaker at the International Congress of Voice Teachers, complimenting his ongoing association with the Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium of Music as a guest lecturer. Along with Nigel Smith, Scott also conducts “TMJ Dinners” for Dentists to provide a forum to educate and share ideas.
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy
- Watson Headache® Institute Level 1 Foundation, Level 2 Consolidation and Level 3 Certification Course
- Mini residency in TMD and sleep breathing disorders with the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre
- Completed coursework with McKenzie Institute of Australia on the cervical and thoracic spine
- Completed coursework with Barb Hungerford on the treatment of the cervical spine and thoracic cage
- Dry Needling for Headache, TMD, Orofacial and Shoulder conditions
- Upper quadrant - Mulligan Concept
- Trained in TMD & Cervicogenic sources of craniofacial pain with Mariano Rocabado
- Annually lectures on the jaw to UQ Physiotherapy Students
- Presenter at the Inaugural Watson Headache Symposium on Differentiating TMJ from Cervical Spine in Primary Headache Patients
- Presenter at the Australian Voice Association
- Annually lectures to the Vocal Pedagogy Students at The Conservatorium of Music
- Authored chapter "Diagnosing Pain Referral from Neck & Shoulders" in the newly published book - Diagnosing Dental and Orofacial Pain: A Clinical Manual by Alex J. Moule and M. Lamar Hicks
Clinic Locations
Scott Cook practices at the:
Nundah Clinic: Tuesday
Greenslopes Clinic: Monday
Taringa Clinic: Thursday
I could talk to you all day about...
Outdoor Activities, Cycling, Brewing beer
Book an Appointment
If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort then don’t put it off - contact our friendly team today to make an appointment with one of our expert physiotherapists.